Do you use Skype to make audio or video calls in your coaching business?
If you want to record your coaching calls to keep for yourself or send to clients, you can use an add-on tool called Call Recorder for Skype by Ecamm (Mac only).
Today I’m show you how to use this $30 tool to help you in your practice.
Assuming you already know how to use Skype, here’s the step-by-step process on how to use the Ecamm Call Recorder.
What to do before and during the call
- Get the other person’s permission before recording the call.
- After you hit the record button and before diving into your interview or coaching session, test the other person’s audio. I usually ask them to count from one to ten while looking at the audio volume. If the volume always reaches the red bar, the other person might have to move a bit further away from their microphone. Or if it seems like their voice isn’t getting picked up, they should move closer to their mic.
- Create a test recording to make sure you’re happy with the video quality you’re getting at the end of the call.
- Stop the recording before wrapping up your interview or coaching session.
How to record Skype video calls
- Start Skype. You’ll see the Call Recorder window pop up beside it.
- Click the cog icon in the Call Recorder window. This is where you’ll choose the settings you want your recorded video to have, like video quality, image size, frame rate, etc.
- Under Recording Options, you’ll see Record Video. Click the drop down menu beside it to choose which video you want to record. Options include Local only (you), Remote only (the other person) and Split Screen (both). For this tutorial, I’ll be choosing Split Screen, which is ideal if you’re on a coaching call or recording an interview. If you want to record the other person giving a testimonial, for example, it’s best to choose the Remote only option.
- Once you’re done playing around with the settings, close it and make a call.
- Just hit the big red dot to start recording.
- Once you’re done, click the big red dot to stop recording.
- Click the magnifying class icon beside the recording button to find your recently saved video. The Ecamm Movie Tools window will pop up.
- On the lower right corner you’ll see Export As. Click the drop down menu to choose the file type you want your video to be. Click Export.
The Ecamm Recorder is very easy to use, and you can get it for only $30. Go ahead and click that link so you can use it for your business!