ICF Ethics Video Scheduling
Thank you for your continued support of ICF and all things coaching ethics. Our next step is creating a series of videos for social media, the ICF website and the online ethics course.
The videos will be created with your webcam or smartphone, with the help of virtual videographer Brighton West. Brighton will meet with you in a virtual video studio in your Chrome or Edge web browser. He will record the call, help you look and sound great, give you direction and support and he will edit together the best parts of your time together into a finished video.
We’ve broken the code into 7 separate videos.
A: Purpose, ICF Core Values and Ethical Principles, Commitments for all within the ICF Ecosystem (parts 1-3) – with Lola Chetti
B: Ethical Standards: section 1 – with Kate Miller
C: Ethical Standards: section 2 – with Angela Gaehtgens
D: Ethical Standards: section 3 – with Chia-Lin Ho
E: Ethical Standards: section 4 – with Robin Altman
F: Ethical Standards: section 5 – with Cathy Liska
G: Pledge of Ethics and Wrap Up – with Sue McMahon
Schedule a time with Brighton on the calendar below. You’ll need to be in a quiet location, with good light from in front of you and a strong Internet connection.
Each video will be around 5 minutes long. We want you to provide a brief overview of each standard, how it applies to everyday coaching and point the viewer to resources on the ICF website. So be sure to look at the downloads and the Insights and Considerations for Ethics (ICE statements) before we record so that you can reference that material.
Please choose a 45 minute slot to record your video. Times listed should be for your timezone. Check the bottom of the calendar above to confirm the timezone shown.
We will connect in an online studio (you’ll get a link in the calendar invite) and I will walk you through the process at your chosen time. I look forward to meeting you soon.
And feel free to contact me if you need any help.