Sign up below to record a video about No Take Zones – from the comfort of your home or office over your webcam.
I make it super easy for you.
- Use the calendar below to schedule 15 minutes onlinewith me.
- No need to prepare a script – I’ll ask you questions.
- I’ll edit out any mistakes and make you look like a pro!
Tips to looks great:
- The camera (webcam or smartphone) needs to be steady and at your eye level – not looking up at you. Add some books (usually a lot of books) below your laptop if needed.
- The light needs to come from in front of you. Ideally from a window during daylight hours.
- What you wear and what’s behind you shows credibility or detracts from credibility – choose purposefully.
- Try to avoid the most noisy locations or times of day.
Just select a time to record your video below:
Be sure to click the “Schedule Event” button when you finish filling out the form. You will receive a confirmation email.