I use Frame.io to work collaboratively with my clients. Both me and my client can upload video to the site for comments. It’s an amazing tool for commenting on video drafts. But what about cutting and pasting the comments from Frame.io to a different document? Frame makes it easy, but hides this function beneath a little arrow.
When you are viewing a video, click the down arrow at the top of the comments
You’ll get a number of choices. I prefer to “Download as File” and then choose a txt file.
The Copy function seems to only work to cut and paste comments from one Frame.io video to another. It’s not copied to the clipboard to paste into other applications. But you can copy and paste from the txt file if you’d like.
Another option is to “Download to Final Cut Pro X,” open it in the Frame app on your mac, and add the file to your Final Cut timeline. The comments are added to a video clip that includes markers to find them.