Do you want to have a second YouTube channel where your can put your business or home videos? Or do you want another channel for your second hobby, like a gaming or knitting channel?

In this video, I share with you how to create and add another channel to your YouTube account.

First of all, there is no limit to the number of channels you can have per account.

Second, they’re attached to a Google+ page – not a profile. This means that you can add other people to manage your comments, optimize your videos, check analytics and upload more videos, which is great for businesses. (Watch out for a future video about adding managers!)


How to add a second channel

  1. Click your avatar on the upper right hand corner and click the gear icon (YouTube Settings) next to ‘Creator Studio’
  2. Click ‘See all my channels or create a new channel’
  3. Click ‘Create a new channel’. Just give it a name, select a category and click ‘Done’. A list of your channels will pop up and you should see it there.

If you don’t see your new channel on the list, just select any of your channels, click ‘Ok’ and you’ll see your new channel.

To switch between channels, just click on your avatar and choose the channel you want to switch to.

If you want to create more channels, just repeat steps 1 to 3 above. Now go and add more channels to your YouTube account!