Do you want to grow your Twitter following? Using a five-dollar app called Crowdfire and some simple steps, you can have unlimited growth for your Twitter following!
Before we begin, I have made two versions of this video. There is a detailed version and a quick version.
Prior to using this method, I had less than 300 followers. When I started using Crowdfire – previously known as JustUnfollow – my following gradually increased into the thousands. I can target the people whom I want to follow me, those who have the same interests as I do – marketing, entrepreneurship, leadership and startups.
Crowdfire is available for iPhone and Android, but you can also access it through its website, which is what I’m going to show you in the video below.
Have a great Twitter profile
Before you can grow your followers, you first have to have a Twitter account that’s worth following. When you get into Crowdfire, what you’re gonna do is basically follow people so they would follow you back.
For that to happen, your account has to be legit – it should have a good description and you should be putting out content relevant to your target audience.
Not only should your content be relevant, it should be of great quality as well. These are the types of things that they want to interact with and they’re interested in.
Using Twitter for online marketing
Some people, when you follow them, they immediately follow you back. As mentioned above, these are the ones who would probably not pay attention to you, so just make note of that. “Higher value” followers are the ones who would take time to check out your profile to make sure that they want to follow you back.
This is why putting out good, worthy content is important, because that’s what’s going to convince them to click the Follow button on your profile.
How to use Crowdfire to gain more Twitter followers:
1. Head over to
There are two ways of growing your follower base: Copy Followers (Grow) and Keyword follow (Grow).
2. Click ‘Copy Followers (Grow)’. Type in the Twitter handle of a person who has the same type of followers that you want to attract. It will generate a list of people you can follow by clicking the green (+) button.
NOTE: that you can’t follow more than 2,000 people until you get that approximate number of followers. You need to grow your followers in small chunks and just keep cleaning out the Non Followers before you can add more.
3. Click ‘Keyword follow (Grow)’. You can type in a keyword or a hashtag related to the content you’re creating, for example #Videomarketing. Crowdfire will then come up with a list of people who have ‘video marketing’ in their profiles and their tweets. This is another way to find people who would also be interested in your content. Click the green (+) button to follow them.
NOTE: The Keyword Follow option is not available in the mobile version – one of the reasons I prefer to use the website.
4. Let’s go to Non Followers. These are the people you’re following who are not following you back. What you can do is go through here once a week – or every couple of days if you want to get really aggressive – and clean out the people who have not followed you back. Just hit the red (-) button to unfollow these people. The same goes for Recent Unfollowers.
5. Inactive Following is where you’ll find people who have been inactive on Twitter for a long time. If a certain follower becomes inactive, you have the option to unfollow them, or keep them in your list of followers.
6. Recent Followers will let you know followers whom you have not yet followed back.

Example of someone you shouldn’t follow back.
NOTE: You don’t have to follow back everyone who follows you. Learn how to discriminate between legit accounts and bogus ones. If that person is in the same (marketing) niche as you, then by all means follow them back, but if their description starts with “Buy 10,000 Twitter Followers for just $29” you shouldn’t follow back.
7. Click ‘Whitelist’ for people that you never want to accidentally unfollow and ‘Blacklist’ for people that you never want to follow.
That’s it! This is only a tactic to gain more followers. You’re going to have to interact with people, post great content and make your profile legitimate and interesting if you want to use Twitter as a marketing tool.
If you have any questions about this topic, Twitter and Youtube, let me know in the comments below!
Why everybody want t to "increase twitter followers"?
More followers = more people that can potentially see (and amplify through RTs) your message.