Today’s interview is a bit special, because I’m interviewing myself, about my previous webseries Vancouvria. Vancouvria is a parody of the IFC hit Portlandia, except it’s based in Portland’s northern suburb, Vancouver Washington.
How did Brighton get started:
Brighton was having a beer with friends and came up with the idea of a parody of Portlandia. After talking about it for months, his wife told him it was time to either make the show or stop talking about it.
What inspires Brighton:
Brighton on not only inspired by Portlandia, but also the differences between urban and suburban lifestyles, and how proud we are of those differences.
Learning from a mistake:
Portland Monthly magazine profiled the lead actor in Vancouvria and Brighton realized that he needed to get in front of the camera.
Let’s talk money.
Brighton self-funded season one. Season two was funded by Kickstarter ($3500.) And the show has brought in a not-so-impressive $103 in advertising revenue.
What’s next:
Brighton is moving in front of the camera with Subscriber Nation!