This reporter’s eyes are on the upper third line and the camera is at eye level.
Good Camera Framing Examples
This TV news interview of an expert has the camera far too low, looking up her nose.
Bad Camera Framing Examples
If you’re finding yourself on your webcam due to the coronavirus, learn from your TV news hosts, commercials and shows. And learn what not to do from many of the guests calling in on Zoom or Skype.
There are two simple rules that most newbies don’t know about:
- Have the camera at eye height. Laptop cameras look up your nose by default. That’s not a good look. Stack up books or place your laptop on a shelf to get it to eye height – or slightly higher.
- Place your eyes near the top of the frame. If you divide the frame into three horizontal sections, your eyes should be along the line between the top and middle third, or a bit higher. Placing your face in the middle of the screen looks odd. But most people can’t put their finger on why it looks odd. They just don’t connect with you the way they would if you did it right.
You may not be scheduled for a prime time interview, but many people are using teleconferencing during this outbreak. Looking good is easy.
Just look at the examples from TV on the left and from folks who didn’t get great direction on the right.
And remember – if you work with a virtual videographer like me, I’ll make sure you don’t make these mistakes or any other mistakes on your webcam!
Good Camera Angle Examples
This presidential news conference has great cropping and camera angle.
Bad Camera Angle Examples
This TV news interview of an expert has the camera too low, looking up at her. Raise the camera on a pile of books or boxes.
This TV News shot shows that the camera is at eye level and the anchor’s eyes are in the upper third – even when they are showing a full length shot.
This TV news interview of a man has the camera too low, looking up at him. Hold the camera at arms length and at eye level,
This TV commercial shows the actors eyes on the upper third line.
This TV news interview of an expert has the camera too high, looking down at him and making his eye look strange. Lower the camera or raise his chair.
The weather reporter’s eyes are near the top of the frame and the camera is at his eye level.
This TV news interview of an doctor has the camera too low, looking up at him. Raise the camera on a pile of books or boxes.