Get Started With Testimonials

Thanks for purchasing a pack of client video testimonials. You’ll get a copy of this as an email in your inbox too.

You’ll start by asking your clients if they would tell their story. Once they say yes, you’ll pass them off to me. I’ll coordinate by email and phone to schedule their 15 minutes on Skype with me. I’ll handle everything and send you the embed code to add the testimonials to your website. Below are boilerplate templates that you can modify to invite your clients to give the testimonial. I suggest individualizing the template and making it clear to each individual that you really want them to give a testimonial (instead of emailing a group of people or sending the invitation in an email newsletter.)

The way I coach your clients to give a great testimonial in 15 minutes is a three-step storytelling process: 1) what was the struggle you were experiencing? 2) how did your coach/consultant help you overcome that struggle? 3) what is life like in the “happily ever after phase”? This makes it very easy for your clients to be comfortable and show the results that matter most to your future clients. You don’t need to share these questions with your client in advance. Just make sure that the clients you are sending to me have had a transformation worth sharing. 

And if there’s something specific to mention, please include that in the email where I am copied (e.g. Sarah went through a life-transformation because of my coaching. Please mention that she quit her job, but leave out anything about joining the circus.)

If you have any questions or want to talk more about this, just let me know and we’ll schedule a time.


Here are the boilerplate emails you can start with:

Email #1 (you can skip this one if you’ve already contacted them and gotten their buy-in.)

RE: Would you be willing to provide a testimonial?

Hi [Client Name],

I’m so excited about the results you’ve gotten through our work together, specifically XXXXXX. I know your success story means a lot to others seeking the same results. Would you be willing to share it via a video testimonial?

If yes, I have a really simple, fun way to do this. I have a point person (named Brighton) who helps with video testimonials. He would interview you via Skype for 15 minutes, record it, and send me the edited video. Easy!

Would now be an okay time to share your contact information with Brighton, to get this set up?

Let me know. Thank you in advance!


EMAIL #2:  (After they agree to provide the testimonial)

Email to your client and carbon copy Brighton@BrightonWestVideo and Testimonials@BrightonWestVideo.comso we can follow up with them. Please send us both their email AND phone number.

RE: Thank you!


Thank you for agreeing to share your story via video testimonial!

To make collecting video testimonials easy I’ve partnered with Brighton West, who will capture your success story on Skype. He is cc’d on this email. In just 15 minutes, Brighton will interview you about our work together. He creates a safe space, so no need to worry about mistakes or looking bad. He edits everything and gives you great tips on how to look fabulous on camera.

Brighton – [CLIENT NAME] is a client who has agreed to provide a video testimonial. You can reach [HIM/HER/THEM] at [PHONE NUMBER] and [EMAIL@GMAIL.COM.] [ADD ANY DETAILS HERE (eg. DO NOT MENTION JOINING CIRCUS, ETC.)]

Brighton will be contacting you soon (and if you want to jump right in, you can schedule your recording now on Brighton’s website.)

