I went to VidSummit in LA and I learned A LOT.

In this video, I’m going to share with you the Top 15 VidSummit 2018 professional coaches like you can use to grow your business through YouTube.

I also share a bonus tip from Judi Fox about LinkedIn Video, so make sure to watch until the end!


Top YouTube Tips for 2018

Tom Martin of FAQTube’s tips on Keyword Research

1) Don’t use clickbait tags. If it’s misleading, don’t do it.  If YouTube ranks you for a misleading keyword and people click on your video and find that it’s not what they want, that’s going to affect you.

2) Use VIDIQ for keyword research.

Nick Nimmin on Your Who, Why and What

3) Once sentence value proposition. Really know why are you making content, who are you making it for, what is the value you provide. Say what your channel is about in one sentence, like “Helping professional coaches reach their target audience with online video.”

Rob Sandie of VidIQ on Increasing Views and Closing Statements

4) Quality + Optimization = VIEWS. You can’t just have one – both should go together.

5) Have a closing statement, like “See you in the next video.” If you don’t your viewer will just click away.

PhotoJoseph on Affiliate Marketing

6) Use Geni.us to get Amazon revenue

Tim Schmoyer and Evan Carmichael on How to End Your Videos

7) Ask your audience to watch another video at the end of your video. I guess this is the same as #5. Do this instead of asking people to click subscribe in end screens.

Mark Robertson on Linking YouTube to Your Blog.

8) Add a link to your blog in the description of your YouTube video. Your blog and YouTube video will benefit from this.

Justin Brown of Primal Video on Email Lists

9) Get your Youtube subscribers to your email list. Create three lead magnets and have videos funnel to those three.

Meredith Levine on Better Done Than Perfect

10) Imperfect creates relatability.

Derral Eves and Sealow on Content, Swearing, and Cloud Vision

11) Content on YouTube is not just your video – it’s the title, thumbnail, video, closed captions, description, tags – it’s everything.

12) Swear once, and you’ll cut your ad revenue

13) Use Cloud Vision. Gain more insight about your thumbnails.

Brian Johnson on Keywords

14) Find keywords for optimum watch time, not optimum clicks.

Owen Video on Thumbnail Optimization

15) Your thumbnails should speak to your audience.

Did you find these tips helpful? I will get into more detail on these topics in the next videos, so head over to my YouTube channel and I’ll see you on the next video!