Do you use online video for your business?

In this video, we’re going to talk about how to avoid a shaky camera when taking a handheld video.

When you’re just starting out, you might find yourself lacking equipment like a tripod or a DSLR. But you can start taking videos using the front camera of your phone – or the back camera, if you’re adventurous.

The cons of using video editing software for stabilizing shaky videos

Sure, you can stabilize your video in post – but that doesn’t mean it’s going to come out well.

Most video editing software like Final Cut Pro and iMovie – even the YouTube Editor – can’t really do a good job of steadying a shaky camera. When I use Final Cut, the background starts to get wavy and just looks off, because what it does is it zooms in a little so the shakiness won’t be too obvious.

How to avoid shaky camera

There is one cheap and simple solution to all this – use a selfie stick! With a selfie stick, your hand is further away from the camera, so it kind of “dampens” the shakiness of your hand.

Another tip is, don’t stretch your arm fully. Instead, tuck your upper arm against your body so only your forearm is moving the stick. This will add more stability to your video and make it more professional.

Go ahead and try it! Take a video with and without using a selfie stick and see the difference.

Here’s a great selfie stick – I don’t own this one, but it looks better than the one I have. It has a button to start and stop video, and I like the way the camera is held. BTW – buying with this link supports my business.


And to make sure you look awesome on camera, I put together a list of the top 10 rookie mistakes to avoid. Click below to get instant access.

Download the Mistakes to Avoid