Let’s face it – you can’t do everything. If you’re still starting out, sure, you can do everything from content creation to publishing, but once your channel takes off and you start taking on more responsibilities, you’re going to need some help.

That’s where a YouTube manager comes in.

In this video, I’m going to show you how to add a YouTube manager to help you manage your YouTube channel.

Check out my updated blog post for 2016.

Two types of YouTube managers

  1. Manager – can upload and edit YouTube videos. They can also tweak descriptions, add closed captions, schedule videos and look at your analytics.
  2. Communications Manager – can answer comments and communicate on your behalf.

How to add a YouTube manager

  1. Log in to your YouTube account. Click your avatar on the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click the cog icon beside ‘Creator Studio’ to access your settings.
  3. Click ‘Add or remove managers’. 
  4. Click ‘Add managers’ then add their email address. Under the ‘+Add names or email addresses’ field is a drop down menu where you can choose whether you want them to be a Manager or Communications Manager
  5. Click ‘Invite’. Once they accept, they’ll be listed as a manager for your page.

The great thing about all of this is you don’t have to give your Gmail password away! Go ahead and test it out – add a YouTube manager to your channel so you can focus more on creating content for your audience or online business.